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时间:2021-08-04 22:25:00   作者:www.wyx188.vip   来源:网络   阅读:  
内容摘要:丑奴儿近·博山道中效李易安体原文及赏析 If you don't look at the author, you may think that this poem was written by Li Qingzhao. In fact,


If you don't look at the author, you may think that this poem was written by Li Qingzhao. In fact, it was created by Xin Qiji in imitation of Li Qingzhao's style. This time, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction of the Yi'an style of Li Qingzhao, See how Xin Qiji expressed the full text of "ugly slave near Boshan Road: Li Yi'an style". Thousands of peaks are rising, a sudden rain is far away, the trees are setting in the sun, the scenery is green, the flag is selling wine, it's unique. Just in the light of mountains and waters, nothing happens. When you wake up in the afternoon, pine windows and bamboo households, thousands of wild birds come, but it's a strange white gull? In 1181, Xin Qiji was dismissed from his official post and lived in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. His ideal could not be realized and he was at a loss. Xin Qiji could only arrange his poems by writing poems. This poem describes the beautiful poems that Xin Qiji saw on his way back and forth in Boshan, Shangrao. It was written in imitation of "Yi'an style", so it was clear as words, The beautiful scenery and leisure life in Boshan road are described. The next film describes wild birds and white gulls to express the depression of failure. The dark clouds cover the mountain peaks. Suddenly, it rains heavily. Soon, the rain stops. The sky follows the shower. After the shower, the setting sun comes back, and the mountains and trees are moistened, More and more fresh and beautiful, how can such a beautiful landscape be painted? There is a green flag on the door of the wine shop. You can know that there are other people on the other side of the mountain. As long as I spend a peaceful summer in this beautiful and charming place, I wake up after a nap and see the lush pines and bamboos outside the window. I'm quiet and free from wild birds flying around. I'm just like myself, To his surprise, the white gull looked down, but why not fly down? The old covenant is still there. Is it just a new one? Anything else to say? In the legend, Bai Ou is the most ungrateful bird, but Xin Qiji said at the end of the poem: even Bai ou, who had the most ungrateful experience with me, does not use humor and contrast to write the poem that Xin Qiji suffered suspicion and exclusion in the officialdom. The style of the poem is lively. Since Xin Qiji has absorbed Li Qingzhao's "vulgar language", he has been writing the poem with a lively style, In common language, he was dismissed from office mainly because he was squeezed and suppressed by the capitulationists. This kind of seclusion was not what he wanted. Although the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains was pleasing to the eyes, the desire to fight against the Jin soldiers and recover the lost land in his heart was even more unbearable at this time. Even the sorrow was useless, Although Xin Qiji is a representative of the bold and unconstrained school, he can also write Li Qingzhao's "graceful melancholy"

小编推荐:电工 | http://www.bsylpt.club



