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时间:2021-11-01 22:27:00   作者:www.wyx188.vip   来源:网络   阅读:  
内容摘要:后娘的故事 Xibo folk tales are popular in Qapqal, Xinjiang. Once upon a time, there was a man in Xibo whose wife died of sud


Xibo folk tales are popular in Qapqal, Xinjiang. Once upon a time, there was a man in Xibo whose wife died of sudden illness. He left his father behind because he was on duty outside, so he seldom went home to take care of his daughter. Later, he married a widow. Soon afterwards, his stepmother began to abuse her children. She regarded her daughter as the more beautiful the daughter of her former wife was, and the uglier the daughter of her stepmother, She was pushed into the well to bring her father back. The stepmother lied that her daughter was in a hurry. The grieving father found that a willow seedling growing from the original wellhead grew into a big tree in a few days. On it, there was a beautiful bird that could sing ninety-nine tunes. The father put it into the birdcage, and the stepmother killed it by poison and threw it into the furnace to burn ashes the next day, The neighbor's lonely grandmother found a bright emerald in the ashes. Later, the emerald turned into a beautiful one. One day, the girl prepared a table for her father and stepmother to invite the girl to tell a tragic story. Then the father suddenly realized that he was angry and immediately sent his stepmother to the official

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